All Our Plumbers Are Fully Vaccinated - Call Us On 0800 363 747

Your Local Plumbing Gas & Drainage Specialist
Covering Manukau, South Auckland & the Pukekohe Area

About Us &

What We Do

Ross and Maureen’s philosophy is one of providing a quality experience for the customer, from the first phone call until payment is completed. That is why we try to make sure someone always answers the phone rather than an answering phone or service. We listen, provide options if necessary and go from there. Ross works with our team of plumbers, Maureen manages the business side, Natalie is your point of contact on the phone. She can listen to your issue and then guide you to the best solution for your needs. Bronwen is our accounts payable / receivable and ensures our correct supplier dockets are applied to the jobs for our accurate invoicing and can receipt payments for you as required.

Ross started as an adult apprentice around the Papakura / Manukau area and spent many years with Manukau Council on maintenance and swimming pool work. His breadth of experience runs from tap maintenance right through to pool pumps and most things in between. Ross is a traditional craftsman plumber and gasfitter. His belief, which he passes on to the team, is treat every job as if you were doing it in your own home. Ross is on the board of the Auckland Society of Plumbers.

Maureen spent several years in the corporate and customer service sector and has been able to combine her skills in this area with Ross’s technical skills to deliver your customer experience.

You, our customers, are very important to us. So if there is anything we can do to improve your customer experience please let us know.

Watch an Interview with Ross on the Good Morning Show

Professional Workmanship Guaranteed


From Tap Washers to Full House Plumbing

Blocked Drains

Call in the Expert to Unblock Your Drains

Gas Fitting

Gas Hot Water & Cooking Install & Repair

Emergency Plumber

Available for Urgent & After Hours Plumbing

Bathroom Renovations

Supply, Install & Project Manage

Kitchen Renovations

Gas, Plumbing & Appliance Installation

Laundry Renovations

Plumbing Alterations For Your New Laundry

Property Maintenance

Helping Property Managers & Landlords

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